Gerard de Haas is a student and a policeman Gerard de Haas has a unique part-time job. During the day, he studies ICT at Windesheim, but in his nights off as well as his weekends, he is a policeman. It has been a childhood dream of the four ...
Fourteen modules to start in September Students will be able to enrol for ‘Hogeschoolkeuzemodules’ to broaden their study programme. These optional modules cover 3 to 5 EC and will be taught the Wednesday afternoon of every semester. The fi ...
Unit participation council yet to agree to final proposals Division Health Care and Social Work will get four ‘study units’. Director Ineke van der Wal: ‘Social Work will become a strong brand.’ The fusion of study programmes Social Work an ...
Appeal from Participation council The central participation council has noted that the degree programme advisory committees are not sufficiently prepared for their new tasks They want the coming of a recognisable institution which abides su ...
Number of FTEs of division needs to be reduced by twenty-nine First ‘wave’ has to provide swift clarity to staff members Bert Meijer: ‘extraordinarily bitter process’ The unions called the austerity plan ‘an important adjustment within the ...
Eduard starts his own healthcare facility Student Eduard Poot starts his own little company for people with an intellectual disability or behavioural problems: they will maintain the gardens of the elderly. “It is mostly the misfits. They f ...
Division Human Movement and Education cuts 3.6 million in total The division Human Movement and Education (B & E) is taking steps to get out of negative numbers before September 1st Most important step is reducing the size of the resear ...
‘All of my friends come from longboard communities’ Students Manon and Simone erected longboard community Zwolv last month. The community in Zwolle is growing rapidly. Longboard games, tricks, and Frankfurters: the parking lot underneath th ...
New institutional plan has to make Windesheim’s mission clearer The Executive Board presents a concept plan for the institutional plan. More attention to be paid to inclusivity and sustainability, less to be paid for entrepreneurship. Addin ...
Student experiences adventure as head coach of Tuvalu. From youth trainer in Almelo to head coach of Tuvalu, an archipeln the Great Ocean. It happened to Sports Management student Joost van Hateren. Last summer he was head coach of the tiny ...
Teaching rooms in apartment near Zwolle train station Windesheim to open a new teaching location: BrainZ. Courses to start halfway March Students belonging to the honours college, applied gerontology and the honours programmes will be the f ...
Strategic plan must bring greater clarity fast. Interim manager Bert Meijer: ‘the pace of the budget cuts lies extremely high.’ A budgetary cut of 3.6 million, to be realised as from the first of September, 2017. That is the task that Human ...
Second-years’ Jasmijn can do everything with a ball Sitdowns, lowers, uppers: give student Jasmijn Janssen a football and the box of tricks will open. She reached fifth place at the world championship Freestyle football this month. Freestyl ...
‘Studentbeeld’especially handy for student counsellor Windesheim will start the new digital environment ‘Studentbeeld’ around the first of February. It shows an overview of the most important information about the study progress of a studen ...
Cuts can lead to 20 fte less per September 1, 2017. Unit Participation Council fears that the thinking is done by ‘the economy’ instead of a vision. Division Human Movement and Education was imposed with another heavy cut command. At the en ...
Student Sander gives lifestyle advice through DNA test You only require a few cheek saliva swabs and student entrepreneur Sander Bast tells you if you run the risk of lack of vitamin C, if you are prone to obesity, or if you are sensitive t ...
Criticism from unit participation council from the BMR division on ELO and DIBA The unit participation council from the Business, Media and Law division lists frustrations with ICT systems Digitally archiving and grading by means of the Ele ...
Unexpected shorting from The Hague induce to strict procedures. The board found another one and a half million in budgetary cuts in the recent budget plan. The divisions Health and Social Work and Human Movement and Education must have a ba ...
New ‘croho’-list effective in september 2018 The economic study programmes are going to be rearranged nationally meaning that some studies will become a differentiation of a main study programme Several study programmes within Business, med ...
The plan for the fusion needs to be clear soon Unit Participation Council will receive ‘much more information’ in December. Helprich ten Heuw: “getting out of your comfort zone is a good thing.” The division healthcare and social work is g ...