After class, sit down in a beach chair, with your feet in the sand. WIN took a look at beach bars in Zwolle and Almere, which are popular among Windesheimers. Strand22, Almere ‘Windesheim has found its home here’ Strand22 is located on the ...
Summer is coming! Are students currently more concerned with being in shape, or not at all? “Yes, this summer I want to look good. That’s nice when you’re on the beach or at a festival. I make sure that I don’t eat too many calories, so lit ...
Studying abroad. An immersion in an often completely different culture. Plenty of pitfalls, but he who pays good enough attention will learn real life lessons. Frieda van Brug and Gerrieta Muis can write a book about it. Your book ‘Grenzelo ...
Gender-neutral toilets may be installed in all buildings on campus on the ground floor, while the toilets on the other floors will remain separate. How exactly the gender neutral toilets at Windesheim will look like is still being studied. ...
The festival season starts. Thé moment to go all out with outfits and makeup. Students Jitske, Eline and Anika can’t wait and came to the WIN makeup studio to get festival-proof. Anika: ‘In a fairy costume around the campfire’ First-year st ...
Due to the housing shortage, students continue to live at home with their parents for longer. Is that bad, or fun? “Living at home is nice and quiet. I could come home and immediately sit down at the table for dinner. That’s pure pampering, ...
First-year student International Business Freja (19) moved from Newcastle to Zwolle, out of love for competitive cycling. For the furnishing of her room, Ikea was her greatest friend. “When I moved to the Netherlands, I only had two suitcas ...
To keep a ball high while doing tricks with it: freestyle football is not easy. Sport Studies student Mike van de Streek teaches children with his company StreetSkills that this is possible after all. Ánd healthier than gaming. It could tak ...
More often, we throw a word of English and sometimes even whole sentences through our Dutch. A logical development, or something that will blow over? “We speak more and more English, that just happens. It’s also because of social media. The ...
Fighting injustice, that’s what student Luna Koops wants. She used to be chair of the Young Socialists and member of the Windesheim Central participation council. Now she is on the list of the political party Partij van de Arbeid (Labour Pa ...
Ordering everything online is that normal for students? Or are there other things you would rather get in a real store? “I only prefer to buy clothes in a real store. Then you can take a good look at how it looks, feel and try to see if it ...
If you buy your groceries without a jar, plastic, box or tin around it, that saves a lot of waste. That is why freshman Iris Broekmann shops without packaging: “I usually carry my own bags with me.” Iris fishes a collection of cloth bags, n ...
According to the Municipality of Zwolle, supply and demand for student rooms are ‘in balance’. But rents continue to rise. One room, thirty responses. That is what Jan Fuite, student Teacher Education in Physics, sees as the adm ...
Online lessons via Teams and Zoom sometimes go a bit wrong. What was your most hilarious incident? “My classmate was in the car and wanted to listen in on part of the lesson. But his picture and sound were accidentally turned on. So we sudd ...
Sandwich with cheese in the lunchbox, without a helmet on the bike and dinner at half-past five. Yes, those Dutch are crazy people. Foreign students about typical Dutch habits and customs: ‘I thought the summer was freezing here.’ Hanrim Le ...
It has finally been decided: Windesheim is allowed to build a new educational building in the heart of Almere, between the Flevo hospital and the ‘Esplanade’. The city council debated for over a year about the best location for Windesheim ...
Interest in student associations has grown considerably. Why do students want to join right now? “Students missed social contacts enormously during corona, the associations organized activities online then. Fortunately, that is now physical ...
Flex, vegetarian or vegan: more and more people eat meat less often. The WIN panel will judge five veg(an) alternatives for the hamburger. Broccoli burger What immediately stands out with this vegan burger: the enormous breadcrumb layer. Yo ...
After a year and a half of corona, we can get together again and go out and about. What will you organize with your friends and family? “I’m going to have a barn party! At our farm. I’ll build a hall for festivities out of crate ...
Laura Gruppen (22), a fourth-year Communication student, is giving us a look into her apartment next to the canals of Zwolle, it is filled with secondhand gems. Laura has moved once in the three years since she lived on her own, from the do ...