The flow of online lessons and the lack of contact is breaking students more and more. Fortunately, there are ways to fight the loneliness. “Students are having a hard time these days”, Minister of Education Van Engelshoven wrote in a ...
They don’t have to pay for their room in apartment building ‘Louis Armstrong’ in Zwolle. In exchange, Social work students Jessica Brugman and Winnie Cheung, help improve the liveability in the apartment building. This is an initiative by h ...
Journalism student and music enthusiast Roy Blokzijl is an intern at the lunch program of Gijs 2.0 at Radio 2. Radio connects. “The top 2000” is the most prominent example of it, according to Roy. He makes sure that he is not missing a sing ...
The death of African Americans due to police violence has created quite a global stir. Three Social work students from Almere (Trisha, Julia and Shaïmaa) want to contribute to a world without racism. That includes taking a critical look at ...
Windesheim opened a new location in Almere. The ICT study programmes have settled on the first floor of the ‘Het Circus’ building. “We were already planning to move to ‘Het Circus’ the moment Aeres University of Applied Sciences ...
Korean student Junyuk Lee studied at Windesheim for six months, after his trip he sees his own country in a different light. Junyuk tells his story to Windesheim student Anna Garritsen. The interview is part of Windesheim’s project St ...
One (half-)day of education on campus, the other days online from home. Is it feasible? Sanne Roes (19), Transfer class year 1-2 Journalism: “I hate online classes! I sleep, relax and have lectures all in one place. Next to that you also ha ...
Finally study programmes have been allowed to physically host lessons on campus. Connecting first-year students, who usually don’t see each other ‘live’ for more than a few hours per week, seems to be a key matter. How to get first-year stu ...
Windesheim is monitoring the number of students and employees who have logged in at the servers via the WiFi access points. If that number is too large, security has to go and see what is going on. The divisions IVT (ICT Operational service ...
One (partial) day of lectures at Windesheim and online lessons from home for the rest of the week. What do students think of this new way of studying and which problems do they face? Manuel Zuurman, third-year ICT student: “For me, thi ...
Study programs schedule evening hours only as a fallback option The study programs faced a difficult dilemma when scheduling education starting september: at the ‘1,5 meter campus’ it ís possible to teach up to half of the class ...
While the majority of society is going to back to normal in some manner, the universities of applied sciences are up for a big challenge. Executive Board member Inge Grimm hopes to maintain the ‘drive’ of the past months. From physical cont ...
Travelling is (right now) not an option. Rob Maat of the International office is working hard on developing different kinds of internationalisation. For Rob Maat, the crisis started around November, December of last year. That’s when the fi ...
For the first time after the Corona-crisis, students will see each other ‘live’ at the campus for the exams. Windesheim is preparing the ‘six-feet consequences for the exams and for the next study year. How will life on campus b ...
Education will start again on the campus at the 1st of September. But what Windesheim will look like is still uncertain. One thing is clear: Windesheim will only be left with a quarter of all the available space. Henk Hagoort has asked the ...
Quarantined in your student room or back to your parents’ house? Many students choose the latter. But being ‘home’ fulltime at your mum and dad’s again takes some getting used to. Wenda Drenth, a third-year student of the teacher education ...
No one visiting you, no super fun parties and no three kisses on the cheek. Whoever has his birthday in these weeks of self-isolation, keeping one-and-a-half-meter distance and social distancing, has little to celebrate. Four Windesheim stu ...
Windesheim is closed until the summer and there isn’t much to do in terms of leisure activities in the coming months. Meanwhile, former student, Daniël van den Bos decided to help healthcare organisations: he and his friends sewed dozens of ...
A call up from communication staff member Dennis de Bruin received a large number of replies. He asked Windesheim students to help future first-year-students choose their study course. Because of the Corona crisis, there will be no open day ...
Student café Het Vliegende Paard in Zwolle celebrates its 25th birthday. Manager Dennis Kaatman looks back on the past. “When I got here about 20 years ago, Het Vliegende Paard (in English ‘The Flying Horse’) had just been closed for a year ...